— Fiction Categories —
General Fiction
This covers any fiction, from contemporary to fantasy to science fiction.
Historical Fiction
This covers any fiction set 75 years ago or earlier, including Biblical fiction.
Mystery and Suspense
This covers fiction works in which mystery or suspense is the central plot element.
Includes novels with a word count between 15,000–45,000.
This covers fiction works in which romance is the central plot element.
This covers fiction where the setting is not the real world (i.e. fantasy, utopian, science fiction)
— Non-Fiction Categories —
Includes a book of short stories or works of short non-fiction.
Bible Study
This category is for books that dig into the Word for individuals or groups.
Biography and Memoir
Books that tell stories about real people or families.
Business and Finance
Books that provide Biblical business or financial principles.
Christian Education
This is for educational books—for school, home, or church—that are built on a Christian worldview.
Christian Living
This is for books that help Christians lead lives that better reflect Christ’s love.
Daily or weekly, if it gives the reader insight into God’s Word on a regular basis, it goes here.
Personal Growth
Books that provide Biblical-based advice to help the reader overcome a problem.
Relationships and Family
Books about parenting, reconciliation, family issues, etc. If it focuses on your spouse, your parents, your kids, or your in-laws, this is the place for it.
This category is for pithy books that present frank theological discussions.

— Children’s/Young Adult Categories —
Children’s (4-8 years)
Picture books for young children.
Children’s (8-12 years)
From chapter books to picture books, if it’s for tweeners, it goes here.
Young Adult (12+ years)
Books for our youth, fiction and nonfiction alike, are covered in this category.

— Specialty Categories —
Gift Books
Photography and other coffee-table books are gathered here.
Poetry designed to draw readers into a deeper knowledge of God.