
Christian Indie Awards is designed to bring recognition to outstanding Christian books produced by small publishers and independent authors. The awards are sponsored by Christian Indie Publishing Association (CIPA).



  • Only perfect bound paperback or hardcover books are eligible. Audiobooks and spiral bound books are not eligible.
  • Books must be published with a 2023, 2024, or 2025 copyright. New editions of previously published books are eligible. Reissued editions are not.
  • Books submitted in previous years for the award may not be submitted again, unless they are a new edition with a new ISBN number.
  • Books must be printed in English and available for sale in the United States.
  • Books must be Christian in nature, promote the Christian faith, and intended for the Christian marketplace. The Christian marketplace is defined as the marketplace that is served by Christian Retail Association (CRA) member retail stores (mainly individuals who maintain Catholic or Protestant beliefs and doctrines).

Nomination of Books

  • The nomination of a title must be made by the publisher or author of the book.
  • Eligible publishers must be small presses or independent authors with revenues of $500,000 or less per year.
  • Membership in Christian Indie Publishing Association is not a requirement.
  • Publishers may submit more than one title.
  • Each title may be nominated in more than one category, but you must pay an entry fee for each category submitted.

Judging Process

  • Judging is based upon design, content, quality, creativity, and alignment with biblical principles.
  • Our judges include experts from the fields of education, clergy, publication, business, and medicine.
  • In the event of a tie during the first round of judging, a second round of judging is performed.
  • Contest authors shall agree that all scores are final from contest judges. Scores are determined based upon each genre’s established guidelines.


  • Awards will be offered in 21 categories: Anthologies, Bible Study, Biography/Memoir, Business/Finance, Children’s Book (4-8 years), Children’s Book (8-12 years), Christian Education, Christian Living, Devotional, General Fiction, Gift Book, Historical Fiction, Mystery and Suspense, Novella, Personal Growth, Poetry, Relationships/Family, Romance, Speculative, Theology, and Young Adult (12+ years). Click here to read more about the categories.
  • Winners in each category will receive a Christian Indie Awards emblem for use on book covers, websites, and other promotional materials. Winners can order high-quality award stickers to affix to the front of book covers. Winning books will be placed in a drawing (basket of winning titles) at the Christian Product Expo, and therefore, exposed to Christian retailers (who may choose to carry the book in their store).
  • Winning titles will be announced to the press and the book trade industry.
  • The winning titles will be featured on this website.
  • Finalists will be announced in December 2025.
  • The winners in each category will be announced at Blue Lake Christian Writers Conference in March 2026.

Entry Fees

  • Early-bird entry fee is $89 per title until the first deadline on June 1, 2025. At that time the entry fee increases to $99 until the second early-bird period ends on August 1, 2025, when the final price goes up to $109. So nominate your books early!
  • Fees can be paid online using a credit card, or mail a check or money order made payable to Christian Indie Publishing Association. After completing the online application, you will be sent to a payment page. 
  • The application, payment, and two books must paid and postmarked by the entry fee expiration date to be eligible for the discount.


  • The deadline for the Christian Indie Awards contest is October 1, 2025.
  • The application, payment, and two books must be postmarked by the deadline.
  • If an entry form is received after October 1, 2025, or a book is postmarked after this date, the book is ineligible. 


  • Please see the 21 contest categories here.
  • If less than 3 entries are received for any category, that category may be closed and the book will be placed in the author’s alternate category for judging.


  • All submitted books will not be returned.
  • CIPA reserves the right to reject a nominated title that does not appear to be published for the Christian marketplace or does not reflect the commonly held beliefs of the Christian marketplace. If a title is rejected, the entry fee will be returned to the nominating publisher or author.
  • The author or publisher shall hold Christian Indie Awards and their respective owner, staff, and judges harmless from and against all losses, costs, liabilities, claims, damages, and expenses of every kind resulting from or relating to the Christian Indie Awards.
  • Book feedback will NOT be provided to authors who enter the contest.


Enter the Contest

  • The 2026 Christian Indie Awards contest is now open!

For More Information

Susan Neal, Director
Christian Indie Publishing Association
cipa [at] christianpublishers.net